imxrt_ral/blocks/imxrt1011/[doc = "PGC"]
pub struct RegisterBlock {
_reserved0: [u8; 0x0220],
#[doc = "PGC Mega Control Register"]
pub MEGA_CTRL: crate::RWRegister<u32>,
#[doc = "PGC Mega Power Up Sequence Control Register"]
pub MEGA_PUPSCR: crate::RWRegister<u32>,
#[doc = "PGC Mega Pull Down Sequence Control Register"]
pub MEGA_PDNSCR: crate::RWRegister<u32>,
#[doc = "PGC Mega Power Gating Controller Status Register"]
pub MEGA_SR: crate::RWRegister<u32>,
_reserved1: [u8; 0x70],
#[doc = "PGC CPU Control Register"]
pub CPU_CTRL: crate::RWRegister<u32>,
#[doc = "PGC CPU Power Up Sequence Control Register"]
pub CPU_PUPSCR: crate::RWRegister<u32>,
#[doc = "PGC CPU Pull Down Sequence Control Register"]
pub CPU_PDNSCR: crate::RWRegister<u32>,
#[doc = "PGC CPU Power Gating Controller Status Register"]
pub CPU_SR: crate::RWRegister<u32>,
#[doc = "PGC Mega Control Register"]
pub mod MEGA_CTRL {
#[doc = "Power Control PCR must not change from power-down request (pdn_req) assertion until the target subsystem is completely powered up"]
pub mod PCR {
pub const offset: u32 = 0;
pub const mask: u32 = 0x01 << offset;
pub mod R {}
pub mod W {}
pub mod RW {
#[doc = "Do not switch off power even if pdn_req is asserted."]
pub const PCR_0: u32 = 0;
#[doc = "Switch off power when pdn_req is asserted."]
pub const PCR_1: u32 = 0x01;
#[doc = "PGC Mega Power Up Sequence Control Register"]
pub mod MEGA_PUPSCR {
#[doc = "After a power-up request (pup_req assertion), the PGC waits a number of IPG clocks equal to the value of SW before asserting power toggle on/off signal (switch_b)"]
pub mod SW {
pub const offset: u32 = 0;
pub const mask: u32 = 0x3f << offset;
pub mod R {}
pub mod W {}
pub mod RW {}
#[doc = "After asserting power toggle on/off signal (switch_b), the PGC waits a number of IPG clocks equal to the value of SW2ISO before negating isolation"]
pub mod SW2ISO {
pub const offset: u32 = 8;
pub const mask: u32 = 0x3f << offset;
pub mod R {}
pub mod W {}
pub mod RW {}
#[doc = "PGC Mega Pull Down Sequence Control Register"]
pub mod MEGA_PDNSCR {
#[doc = "After a power-down request (pdn_req assertion), the PGC waits a number of IPG clocks equal to the value of ISO before asserting isolation"]
pub mod ISO {
pub const offset: u32 = 0;
pub const mask: u32 = 0x3f << offset;
pub mod R {}
pub mod W {}
pub mod RW {}
#[doc = "After asserting isolation, the PGC waits a number of IPG clocks equal to the value of ISO2SW before negating power toggle on/off signal (switch_b)"]
pub mod ISO2SW {
pub const offset: u32 = 8;
pub const mask: u32 = 0x3f << offset;
pub mod R {}
pub mod W {}
pub mod RW {}
#[doc = "PGC Mega Power Gating Controller Status Register"]
pub mod MEGA_SR {
#[doc = "Power status"]
pub mod PSR {
pub const offset: u32 = 0;
pub const mask: u32 = 0x01 << offset;
pub mod R {}
pub mod W {}
pub mod RW {
#[doc = "The target subsystem was not powered down for the previous power-down request."]
pub const PSR_0: u32 = 0;
#[doc = "The target subsystem was powered down for the previous power-down request."]
pub const PSR_1: u32 = 0x01;
#[doc = "PGC CPU Control Register"]
pub mod CPU_CTRL {
#[doc = "Power Control PCR must not change from power-down request (pdn_req) assertion until the target subsystem is completely powered up"]
pub mod PCR {
pub const offset: u32 = 0;
pub const mask: u32 = 0x01 << offset;
pub mod R {}
pub mod W {}
pub mod RW {
#[doc = "Do not switch off power even if pdn_req is asserted."]
pub const PCR_0: u32 = 0;
#[doc = "Switch off power when pdn_req is asserted."]
pub const PCR_1: u32 = 0x01;
#[doc = "PGC CPU Power Up Sequence Control Register"]
pub mod CPU_PUPSCR {
#[doc = "There are two different silicon revisions: 1"]
pub mod SW {
pub const offset: u32 = 0;
pub const mask: u32 = 0x3f << offset;
pub mod R {}
pub mod W {}
pub mod RW {}
#[doc = "There are two different silicon revisions: 1"]
pub mod SW2ISO {
pub const offset: u32 = 8;
pub const mask: u32 = 0x3f << offset;
pub mod R {}
pub mod W {}
pub mod RW {}
#[doc = "PGC CPU Pull Down Sequence Control Register"]
pub mod CPU_PDNSCR {
#[doc = "After a power-down request (pdn_req assertion), the PGC waits a number of 32k clocks equal to the value of ISO before asserting isolation"]
pub mod ISO {
pub const offset: u32 = 0;
pub const mask: u32 = 0x3f << offset;
pub mod R {}
pub mod W {}
pub mod RW {}
#[doc = "After asserting isolation, the PGC waits a number of 32k clocks equal to the value of ISO2SW before negating"]
pub mod ISO2SW {
pub const offset: u32 = 8;
pub const mask: u32 = 0x3f << offset;
pub mod R {}
pub mod W {}
pub mod RW {}
#[doc = "PGC CPU Power Gating Controller Status Register"]
pub mod CPU_SR {
#[doc = "Power status"]
pub mod PSR {
pub const offset: u32 = 0;
pub const mask: u32 = 0x01 << offset;
pub mod R {}
pub mod W {}
pub mod RW {
#[doc = "The target subsystem was not powered down for the previous power-down request."]
pub const PSR_0: u32 = 0;
#[doc = "The target subsystem was powered down for the previous power-down request."]
pub const PSR_1: u32 = 0x01;