Extra packages

The imxrt-rs project maintains additional packages to support embedded Rust development on i.MX RT processors. This page lists some of those extra packages. For the complete list of packages, check out our GitHub organization.


imxrt-iomuxc provides an alternate IOMUXC API than what's provided by imxrt-ral. This package

  • provides a pad configuration API.
  • defines processor pads.
  • specifies the peripheral functions supported by each pad.

imxrt-hal re-exports and extends this API; if you're using imxrt-hal, you already depend on this package. However, there are some reasons to use imxrt-iomuxc as your direct dependency.


imxrt-usbd implements a high-speed USB bus. The driver is compatible with the usb-device ecosystem. imxrt-hal re-exports and extends the API, but you may use the package directly.


imxrt-log builds on imxrt-hal to provide convenient developer logging. imxrt-log works with the log and defmt logging frameworks. Transports include USB serial and LPUART.


imxrt-dma provides a DMA driver for supported i.MX RT processors. Use it to schedule DMA transfers, and to await DMA transfers in async code. imxrt-hal configures a DMA driver and re-exports most of the API.