
Module ESR1

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Error and Status 1 Register


  • This bit indicates that an Acknowledge Error has been detected by the transmitter node, i
  • This bit indicates when an inconsistency occurs between the transmitted and the received bit in a message
  • This bit indicates when an inconsistency occurs between the transmitted and the received bit in a message
  • This bit is set when FLEXCAN enters ‘Bus Off’ state
  • This bit indicates that a CRC Error has been detected by the receiver node, i
  • This bit indicates that at least one of the Error Bits (bits 15-10) is set
  • If the LOM bit in the Control Register is asserted, after some delay that depends on the CAN bit timing the FLT_CONF field will indicate “Error Passive”
  • This bit indicates that a Form Error has been detected by the receiver node, i
  • This bit indicates when CAN bus is in IDLE state.Refer to .
  • If the WRN_EN bit in MCR is asserted, the RWRN_INT bit is set when the RX_WRN flag transition from ‘0’ to ‘1’, meaning that the Rx error counters reached 96
  • This bit indicates if FlexCAN is receiving a message. Refer to .
  • This bit indicates when repetitive errors are occurring during message reception.
  • This bit indicates that a Stuffing Error has been detected.
  • This read-only flag indicates whether the FlexCAN is synchronized to the CAN bus and able to participate in the communication process
  • If the WRN_EN bit in MCR is asserted, the TWRN_INT bit is set when the TX_WRN flag transition from ‘0’ to ‘1’, meaning that the Tx error counter reached 96
  • This bit indicates if FLEXCAN is transmitting a message.Refer to .
  • This bit indicates when repetitive errors are occurring during message transmission.
  • When FLEXCAN is Stop Mode and a recessive to dominant transition is detected on the CAN bus and if the WAK_MSK bit in the MCR Register is set, an interrupt is generated to the Arm