
Module MCR

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Module Configuration Register


  • This bit is supplied for backwards compatibility reasons
  • The FRZ bit specifies the FLEXCAN behavior when the HALT bit in the MCR Register is set or when Debug Mode is requested at Arm level
  • This read-only bit indicates that FLEXCAN is in Freeze Mode and its prescaler is stopped
  • Assertion of this bit puts the FLEXCAN module into Freeze Mode
  • This 2-bit field identifies the format of the elements of the Rx FIFO filter table, as shown below
  • This bit indicates whether Rx matching process will be based either on individual masking and queue or on masking scheme with RXMGMASK, RX14MASK and RX15MASK, RXFGMASK
  • This read-only bit indicates that FLEXCAN is either in Disable Mode or Stop Mode
  • This bit is provided for backwards compatibility reasons
  • This 7-bit field defines the number of the last Message Buffers that will take part in the matching and arbitration processes
  • This bit controls whether FLEXCAN is enabled or not
  • This read-only bit indicates that FLEXCAN is either in Disable Mode, Stop Mode or Freeze Mode
  • This bit controls whether the Rx FIFO feature is enabled or not
  • This bit enables the Self Wake Up feature when FLEXCAN is in Stop Mode
  • When this bit is asserted, FlexCAN resets its internal state machines and some of the memory mapped registers
  • This bit defines whether FlexCAN is allowed to receive frames transmitted by itself
  • This bit configures some of the FLEXCAN registers to be either in Supervisor or User Mode
  • This bit enables the Wake Up Interrupt generation.
  • This bit defines whether the integrated low-pass filter is applied to protect the FLEXCAN_RX input from spurious wake up
  • When asserted, this bit enables the generation of the TWRN_INT and RWRN_INT flags in the Error and Status Register