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CSI Control Register 1
- CCIR656 Interface Enable
- CCIR Mode Select
- Asynchronous RXFIFO Clear
- Asynchronous STATFIFO Clear
- Change Of Image Field (COF) Interrupt Enable
- End-of-Frame Interrupt Enable. This bit enables and disables the EOF interrupt.
- External VSYNC Enable
- Frame Buffer1 DMA Transfer Done Interrupt Enable
- Frame Buffer2 DMA Transfer Done Interrupt Enable
- FIFO Clear Control
- Gated Clock Mode Enable
- HSYNC Polarity Select
- Invert Data Input. This bit enables or disables internal inverters on the data lines.
- Invert Pixel Clock Input
- Data Packing Direction
- Pixel Bit
- CSI-PrP Interface Enable
- Valid Pixel Clock Edge Select
- RxFIFO Overrun Interrupt Enable. This bit enables the RX FIFO overrun interrupt.
- RxFIFO Full Interrupt Enable. This bit enables the RxFIFO full interrupt.
- STATFIFO DMA Transfer Done Interrupt Enable
- STAT FIFO Overrun Interrupt Enable. This bit enables the STATFIFO overrun interrupt.
- Start Of Frame (SOF) Interrupt Enable. This bit enables the SOF interrupt.
- SOF Interrupt Polarity. This bit controls the condition that generates an SOF interrupt.
- STATFIFO Full Interrupt Enable. This bit enables the STAT FIFO interrupt.
- SWAP 16-Bit Enable